Thursday, April 16, 2009

Adebisi Is in Charge and McManus Needs to Learn to Respect

I think I need to stab McManus. Me or Post. I wasn't planning on it, but it seems almost inevitable at this point.

Today that fuck McManus announced that due to some alleged bad behavior, we're not going to have NBA TV in Em City until next April. Other than taking away Miss Sally--you thought the riot with Scott Ross was bad, imagine that shit--I can't think of anything more ridiculous. It's untenable, really. First, no tits. Then, no conjugals. After that, he moved Poet to gen pop. Then, he let those dego motherfuckers run my kitchen. He seems confused as to who is in charge, and he needs to pay.

McManus said it's because O'Reily filled a sock with pennies, soaked it in his sink, and froze the thing in the kitchen freezer while we were working before eventually using it on Pancamo. O'Reily really fucked up Chucky, but Chucky had it coming. You don't piss in the orange juice and hit someone with a free weight and get away with it. (P.S. One more reason why there shouldn't be any I-talians in Em City. It should just be blacks and Muslims. No, wait--it should just be who I allow. Yes. And anyone else will have to be partners with me.) McManus says that "things have been too crazy around here," and that we need "to learn to appreciate privileges." He needs to learn to appreciate me. I didn't come from Nigeria for this shit. It's like I'm in prison.

After Supreme was killed, I snatched a bed coil from his pod before anyone noticed. I've had Wangler file that down, and it's been hiding behind those cans of the apricots in syrup which we keep in the pantry. I could likely have Post shank McManus in the lunch room. But that would be conspicous. I heard Guerra saying that he saw McManus sometimes goes to the evacuation stairwell. I might just send Post or someone to meet him there. If we do it quick enough and set up a meeting with a bitch like Schibetta, we could probably frame him, too. Everyone knows he hates McManus for that bad joke about Columbus Day. And for the time McManus took Schibetta's mail. But mostly that joke.

Orlando-Philadelphia seems like the kind of series they'd put on NBA TV, and I need to see that. Schillinger stepped at me the other day and said that Hedo was the best player on the Magic because "he's the one who looks like he'd be the most pure blooded." Although, he also said that if Hedo is Jewish, then Hedo can "eat dog shit." I don't care about that; I just need Dwight Howard to play well. Not only because Schillinger will owe me a favor--may have him steal some detergent from the laundry so that I can blind Alvarez--but because I like those dunk shots. Need more of those.

So yeah--McManus is getting shanked.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

World Wide Web

Mom says I shouldn't be on here, but she isn't home right now and Barbara is in her house. I gave a muffin to the man in our yard today. He said we were special, and even though I'm not supposed to talk to strangers, he was dressed like a civil warrior, and that was exciting. He looked like my grandpa.

Raymond just spilled juice on me.